
Salt Mine at Soledar, Ukraine

Deep underground lies the secret to the wealthiest and most impressive part of Soledar, Ukraine's unique city. This is a real mine, but it differs because the white gold here is mined - salt. At the dawn of human civilization, the salt-shoe business was born because of the body's natural need for salt. Central Africa was a place where their weight equally valued salt and gold until the 19th century. A white miracle was an indicator of prosperity in Europe during the Middle Ages. Salt was sacred and valuable in ancient times.

Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.

Salt Mine Museum

Today, 95% percent of salt mined by Ukraine comes from the Artyomovskoye, a deposit located in the southeast region of Donbass. A system of a multi-kilometer underground mine in Soledar is a result of salt mining. Although this mine is no longer in use, salt is still being extracted from its exterior walls. This was the Perm Sea around 280 million years ago. Now welcome to the "Salt King" kingdom, which is located three hundred meters deep!

Everything in the Soledar salt mine is made of salt. Sparkling crystals reflect artificial multicolored lighting. In one of the mined miners, there is a church. It was founded immediately upon the opening. The church was built to keep workers happy and healthy because miners' work can be hazardous. You will find a stunning chandelier that the miners made. It was decorated with salt crystals that were sometimes found in salt beds. These crystal cubes were approximately two and a hundred in number.

Soledar salt mine

The largest and most famous place in the mine is the tunnel. The ceiling height is approximately 30 meters high, while the tunnel's width is nearly a kilometer in length. The hall will have classical music and sounds from wildlife. The lighting is dim and gives you the illusion that you are far away in space. It's amazing! This area has cool, dry, and salty air. It is a place of incredible silence.

The Soledar mining site also has a spaleosanatorium. There is not the typical noise of working mines. Also, there is no trolley or conveyor. This underground location is more like an idyllic town, complete with palm trees and mysterious salt figures. There are also lounges.

Salt Mining

Rock salt is a great material for sculptors. These salts are often used by miners who have slopes for carving. They are used to create fantastic salt animals and heroes. Also, salt lamps are attractive. The temperature affects how the plafond infuses the air. In miniature, it gives the sensation of being underground. They are used to treat asthmatic conditions.

The Soledar mine's acoustics is the real miracle. This is where the International Festival of Symphonic Music takes place, organized by the Austrian Embassy. The orchestra's sound suggests that the notes seem like they are floating up and then falling slowly like a cloud.

First Photo credit Lenelenka
Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Photo credit Dmitry Panoff
Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Salt Mine Music Hall, Soledar, Ukraine. Imagine a salt pebble as large as a city and your right in the middle of it. 
Photo credit Andrei Stolper
Soledar is a town which name stands for "gift of salt". We visited its major sight: the underground galleries and chambers of salt mines
Photo credit Zfort Group
Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Photo credit Zfort Group
Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Photo credit Thierry Sturm
Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Photo credit Thierry Sturm
There is a church in one of the worked out salt galleries of the city. In December 2003, the chamber 41 bis broke a record listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first underground "Hopper" ballooning. In October 2004 there was a concert of Donbass Symphony Orchestra "Salt Symphony" under the direction of Austrian conductor Kurt Schmid with a participation of Victoria Lukyanets, soloist of the Vienna State Opera.
Photo credit Thierry Sturm
Soledar is a town which name stands for "gift of salt". We visited its major sight: the underground galleries and chambers of salt mines.
Soledar is a town whose name stands for "gift of salt". The underground galleries and chambers of salt mines. 

Photo credit Zfort Group
soledar ukraine
Photo credit Thierry Sturm
Salt Mine at Soledar, Ukraine — Google map

Soledar small is situated on the place of shallow bay of ancient Permian sea which existed there 250 millions years ago. After the sea dried out, here appeared one of the purest salt deposit in the world and the biggest one in Europe.
Photo credit Zfort Group


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